
True beauty shines from within… but we can certainly work some magic to enhance it on the outside! The right makeup adds vibrancy and style to any face, dressing up a look or making a statement depending on how it’s applied.

Makeup Tips

Every makeup artist will have slightly different tricks for a flawless look, but there are a few universal tips for helping you look your best.
First and foremost, you’ll need to select a colour palette that’s right for your skin type and colouring. Next, choose an area to focus on: either lips, eyes, or cheeks, and use more subtle makeup in the other two zones.

  • Lips: From vibrant pink to deep reds and dark browns or purples, there are many ways to draw attention to your mouth.
  • Eyes: Dark and smoky or clean and bright? Eye makeup offers some of the greatest variety of colours and styles, and can be used to draw attention to your eyes while complementing your clothing, hair, and accessories.
  • Cheeks: For a more unconventional look, opt for more subtle colours on the eyes and lips and blush up your cheeks. A touch of glitter adds glow to the apples of your cheeks and will leave you looking fresh and youthful.

Choosing the Right Makeup for You

Selecting makeup is a very personal process. Some women go for anything that’s in the right colour, and prefer to buy a variety of inexpensive brands so they can experiment with different shades and statements. Others go for tried and true choices that reflect their own style.

Whether you want to go for wild and colourful, or stick with a more simple, sedate look, you should always consider your natural colouring when picking makeup. Dark eyeliner that looks amazing on your Indian friend might not complement your pale skin and freckles, and an eye shadow that works well your green eyes might not look so good on her. It’s important to take into account your skin tone, the other makeup you intend to use, and your present hair colour – whether it’s natural or dyed.

Expert Makeup Advice for Every Face

If you’re ready to shake up your style or create a new look for a special event, it’s best to consult with a makeup artist or other beauty professional. Some specialize in bridal makeup and bridal parties, while others provide aesthetics, skin care, and makeup services for all occasions. Visit our makeup artist pages for more information or to find an expert near you.

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