
What are your health and wellness goals? Whether you’re looking for inner peace, better physical health, a solution for a current health problem, or health massage and other relaxation and stress-reduction tools, we think you’ll find it at, where beauty meets wellness and health is just around the corner.

Health Experts to Help You Achieve Your Goals

Regardless of the areas in need of improvement, a little bit of help and support from the right health experts goes a long way. The following health care professionals are qualified to help with an assortment of health and wellness goals:

  • Naturopath: Are you interested in holistic, herbal, or naturopathic medicine? Naturopathic doctors study a similar course to medical doctors, but their practice is based on traditional and natural healing approaches like homoeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture, massage, energy healing, and nutritional medicine.
  • Massage Therapist: Health massage is one of the simplest and most profound ways to help the body relax and heal. Massage can help to relieve headaches and stress, ease aches and pain of all kinds, restore muscle tone, boost the immune system, and even combat chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia and diabetes.
  • Aromatherapist: Aromatherapy is much more than just perfume: it’s all about the science of scents and the ways that natural herbal extracts can help in the pursuit of health and beauty. An aromatherapist may offer relaxation treatments, health massage, or other therapies involving aromatic plant essential oils.
  • Esthetician: If you’re looking for natural facials and beauty tips, a health and beauty expert is your best bet. Most estheticians offer beauty treatments as well as selling the highest quality anti-ageing products.
  • Acupuncturist: Based on the ancient science of Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM, acupuncture uses fine needles to release energy blockages and relieve all kinds of health conditions. Acupuncture is a highly effective remedy for headaches, arthritis, digestive complaints, fertility problems, menstrual cramps, fibromyalgia, and much more.
  • Energy Medicine Practitioner or Shamanic Healer: Some kinds of physical and emotional ills are difficult to resolve through conventional methods. Energy medicine goes deeper, permeating the body’s energy field, and can restore health and well-being when other types of medicine fail.

If you’re interested in learning more about these and other health options, visit our health referral pages at 5pm. We’re committed to providing the information you need to find the health solution that’s right for you.

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